
Living on the Hill


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Beiträge: 4537
Registriert: So 9. Apr 2023, 09:47
Wohnort: komplett im Prog versumpft
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Beitrag von nixe »

Disc 1
1 Night Flight - Beefeaters
2 Tell Me - Day of Phoenix
3 Overture / Take Warning -Young Flowers
4 Long Before I Was Born -The Savage Rose
5 Ksilioy - Burnin' Red Ivanhoe
6 Natskyggevej - Alrune Rod
7 Kragerne Vender - Young Flowers
8 Opus 1 - Delta Blues Band
9 Wide Open N-Way -Day of Phoenix
10 B.M. - Rainbow Band
11 Jingle Jangle Man -Burnin' Red Ivanhoe
Disc 2
1 De Homine Urbano - Ache
2 To Get Along - Pan
3 Rainbow Song - Rainbow Band
4 Toytown - Blast Furnace
5 Mountain Music (Part One) -Culpeper's Orchard
6 Living Dead -The Old Man and the Sea
7 Tapiola - the Savage Rose
8 Living on the Hill -Rainbow Band / Midnight Sun
9 Shadow of a Gypsy - Ache
Disc 3
1 Equatorial Rain - Ache
2 Avez Vous Kaskelainen? -Burnin' Red Ivanhoe
3 Paradox - Day of Phoenix
4 A la Turca - Midnight Sun
5 Mexico - Thor's Hammer
6 Ginger Cake - Blast Furnace
7 Going Blind -The Old Man and the Sea
8 Fire and Water -Secret Oyster
9 Lost in the Jungle -Hurdy Gurdy
10 Spring Theme -Summer Theme - Dr. Dopo Jam
11 Classified Ads -Culpeper's Orchard
12 Mind Movie - Secret Oyster


UK three CD set celebrating the so-called "underground" rock music scene that emerged from Denmark at the tail end of the 1960s. It was an era that saw huge changes, both musical and social and was a pivotal period for creativity in rock music throughout Europe. The influence of ground-breaking artists from Britain and the USA such as The Beatles, Pink Floyd, Jimi Hendrix, Traffic, Frank Zappa and the Mothers of Invention, Jefferson Airplane et al spread far and wide. In Denmark, as in many other European countries, the cries of change were made by students, radicals and hippies to a backdrop of emerging "underground" bands who were fusing the musical influences of psychedelia, jazz, blues, folk. From this upheaval came a succession of highly imaginative Danish groups who recorded a wonderful series of highly imaginative and creative albums. From the psychedelic jamming of Alrune Rod and Young Flowers to the harder edged music of The Old Man & The Sea, Hurdy Gurdy and Delta Blues Band to the progressive and jazz influenced bands such as Burnin' Red Ivanhoe, Blast Furnace, Culpeper's Orchard, Midnight Sun, Pan, Secret Oyster and Thor's Hammer, the diversity and range of the bands heralding from a small country was impressive in it's excellence. Some acts such as The Savage Rose, Burnin' Red Ivanhoe, Ache, Midnight Sun, Secret Oyster, Culpeper's Orchard and Day Of Phoenix enjoyed some degree of success outside their native land whilst others remained destined to have a Scandinavian following. The common thread among all of these artists was an emphasis on experimentation and a desire to push the perceived musical boundaries.

Musik hat die Fähigkeit uns geistig, körperlich & emotional zu beeinflussen!

!!!I like Prog!!!

!!!Wenn die Sonne der Kultur niedrig steht, werfen selbst Zwerge lange Schatten!!!

Topic author
Beiträge: 4537
Registriert: So 9. Apr 2023, 09:47
Wohnort: komplett im Prog versumpft
Has thanked: 6826 times
Been thanked: 3542 times

Re: Denmark

Beitrag von nixe »

Mein Kumpel hat mir das Teil zukommen lassen & ich war voll aus dem Häus*chen!

Musik hat die Fähigkeit uns geistig, körperlich & emotional zu beeinflussen!

!!!I like Prog!!!

!!!Wenn die Sonne der Kultur niedrig steht, werfen selbst Zwerge lange Schatten!!!

Louder Than Hell
Beiträge: 9126
Registriert: So 16. Apr 2023, 18:01
Wohnort: Norddeutschland
Has thanked: 10929 times
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Re: Denmark

Beitrag von Louder Than Hell »

nixe hat geschrieben: Mi 3. Mai 2023, 07:35 Bild
Disc 1
1 Night Flight - Beefeaters
2 Tell Me - Day of Phoenix
3 Overture / Take Warning -Young Flowers
4 Long Before I Was Born -The Savage Rose
5 Ksilioy - Burnin' Red Ivanhoe
6 Natskyggevej - Alrune Rod
7 Kragerne Vender - Young Flowers
8 Opus 1 - Delta Blues Band
9 Wide Open N-Way -Day of Phoenix
10 B.M. - Rainbow Band
11 Jingle Jangle Man -Burnin' Red Ivanhoe
Disc 2
1 De Homine Urbano - Ache
2 To Get Along - Pan
3 Rainbow Song - Rainbow Band
4 Toytown - Blast Furnace
5 Mountain Music (Part One) -Culpeper's Orchard
6 Living Dead -The Old Man and the Sea
7 Tapiola - the Savage Rose
8 Living on the Hill -Rainbow Band / Midnight Sun
9 Shadow of a Gypsy - Ache
Disc 3
1 Equatorial Rain - Ache
2 Avez Vous Kaskelainen? -Burnin' Red Ivanhoe
3 Paradox - Day of Phoenix
4 A la Turca - Midnight Sun
5 Mexico - Thor's Hammer
6 Ginger Cake - Blast Furnace
7 Going Blind -The Old Man and the Sea
8 Fire and Water -Secret Oyster
9 Lost in the Jungle -Hurdy Gurdy
10 Spring Theme -Summer Theme - Dr. Dopo Jam
11 Classified Ads -Culpeper's Orchard
12 Mind Movie - Secret Oyster


UK three CD set celebrating the so-called "underground" rock music scene that emerged from Denmark at the tail end of the 1960s. It was an era that saw huge changes, both musical and social and was a pivotal period for creativity in rock music throughout Europe. The influence of ground-breaking artists from Britain and the USA such as The Beatles, Pink Floyd, Jimi Hendrix, Traffic, Frank Zappa and the Mothers of Invention, Jefferson Airplane et al spread far and wide. In Denmark, as in many other European countries, the cries of change were made by students, radicals and hippies to a backdrop of emerging "underground" bands who were fusing the musical influences of psychedelia, jazz, blues, folk. From this upheaval came a succession of highly imaginative Danish groups who recorded a wonderful series of highly imaginative and creative albums. From the psychedelic jamming of Alrune Rod and Young Flowers to the harder edged music of The Old Man & The Sea, Hurdy Gurdy and Delta Blues Band to the progressive and jazz influenced bands such as Burnin' Red Ivanhoe, Blast Furnace, Culpeper's Orchard, Midnight Sun, Pan, Secret Oyster and Thor's Hammer, the diversity and range of the bands heralding from a small country was impressive in it's excellence. Some acts such as The Savage Rose, Burnin' Red Ivanhoe, Ache, Midnight Sun, Secret Oyster, Culpeper's Orchard and Day Of Phoenix enjoyed some degree of success outside their native land whilst others remained destined to have a Scandinavian following. The common thread among all of these artists was an emphasis on experimentation and a desire to push the perceived musical boundaries.
Im Mai hast du den Sampler eingestellt. Dann dürftest du ihn wohl mehrere Male gehört haben. Schreibe doch mal etwas dazu aus deiner Sicht.

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